3 Simple Lessons for 2019: Reject Fear, Choose Quality, & Sip Some Tea Before Bed | Res Ipsa - RES IPSA

3 Simple Lessons for 2019: Reject Fear, Choose Quality, & Sip Some Tea Before Bed | Res Ipsa

We're committed to constant improvement. Last year's "A" is this year's "B". Here are three simple lessons to help you and your team triumph in 2019. Start the new year off with a bang and maybe some new shoes...
Josh and Odini
Co-Founders, Josh & Odini, travel several times a year to Istanbul, Turkey, to source vintage kilim rugs to upcycle them into one-of-a-kind Res Ipsa products. 

Lesson #1: Reject Fear, Choose Love
It's pretty simple but it has to come from your heart. You and your team will go so much further this year if you trust in your instincts and those around you. As human beings we are motivated by one of two things: Love or Fear. It the choice between being open or closed. Fear will convince you why it won't work, why you can't succeed, and why you shouldn't try. Love will convince you to reject limitations and embrace the new. Most of the things we fear will never happen, or if they do it's not as bad as we imagined. If you choose love, you might fail, but you will more often succeed. And the things you thought were failures might be the gateway to big victories. It requires us to be mindful in each moment--what are we feeling? Choose LOVE and reject FEAR in 2019.

Ilhami -- Res Ipsa Craftsman
Meet Ilhami, the expert craftsman responsible for the leather portions of our products. #ResIpsa #OurBrandisTravel

Lesson #2: Choose Quality
Whatever you consume in 2019, choose quality. What do you intend to build, grow, subscribe to, consume, or support in 2019? Whatever it is -- it's cheap for a reason. The $20 shirt you bought fell apart in the wash? Don't be surprised. Don't complain. Consuming low quality is short sighted. (The cost-per-wear of quality clothing is always lower than fast fashion.) The same goes for the news and entertainment you allow into your consciousness, and much as it goes for the clothes on your back. Consume less, but consume better. Buy an investment piece that will last longer than multiple low quality options.  Read a good book that nourishes your spirit instead of worthless "news". Choose in quality in 2019.  

Lesson #3: Sip Some Tea Before Bed (w/ honey)
If you don't already practice this, start tonight. Yes, literally the lesson is to sip on some herbal tea before bed. Honey, too! We are strong advocates for this simple practice. Why? It'll help with everything! A cup of hot herbal team before beds is a relaxing ritual that helps you sleep better, boosts your immune system, improves your dental hygiene and your cardiovascular health - yes, everything! Self-care is important. Begin 2019 by taking care of yourself, first! 


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