Interview with a Professional BADASS On the Significance of Doing What You Love & Why Travel is Important: The Olivia Engel Story | Res Ipsa - RES IPSA

Interview with a Professional BADASS On the Significance of Doing What You Love & Why Travel is Important: The Olivia Engel Story | Res Ipsa

We talk a lot about story. Whether it's about an interesting podcast we just heard or conversations shared with strangers, our brand finds inspiration from stories. Above all, we believe humans gravitate towards others and the things in this world that tell a story. While our first story was written with kilim years ago, as you'll soon discover, our brand is going to tell new stories with different perspectives inspired by our travels to the great cities of the world. More on that later... Stories are meant to be told so we figured a good one is worth sharing with you. 

We recently interviewed one of our most passionate customers, Olivia, about what her every day life is like living and owning a successful small business in Albany, NY. Olivia is building her dream career, traveling with her husband and siblings, and supporting our brand by sporting our kicks and backpack along the way. Read Olivia's story below to discover how she's absolutely KILLING IT -- a professional badass tells us about the significance of doing what you love and why travel is important.
Res Ipsa Kilim Lace-Up Sneakers

Res Ipsa: Where are you from and where do live? 

Olivia: I was born & raised in Albany NY, where I still currently live, but my husband Michael and I just bought OUR FIRST HOME in Slingerlands, which is about 10 min outside the city. We are currently in the middle of demoing/remodeling and I’m PUMPED to see where this journey takes us and to see the outcome of all the hard work going into it. 

Res Ipsa: What do you enjoy about your community and lifestyle? 

Olivia: Even though Albany is a small town, it’s home for me. I love living in the city I grew up in and I love living close to my family. -It’s not where you live, it’s who you’re with.

Res Ipsa: You own and manage your own hair salon in Albany, NY (ONE Hair Artistry). What's it like to wake up every day to do what you love? 

Olivia Engel
photo / @nicolenerostudio

Olivia: My shop turns 4 this coming May. Opening up a salon was always a dream of mine & I feel very fortunate to have made a living doing something I love. It isn’t just about doing hair for me. It’s the creativity and the people. I genuinely love all my clients. A lot of them have followed me for years from salon to salon & now to my shop and at this point, they feel more like friends & family. Making people feel good about themselves every day is such a highlight (-no pun intended) in this industry and it’s one of the main reasons I love what I do. Not a lot of people can say that they love their job, and there are definitely days where it does feel like “work” to me, but it’s totally worth it... I make a great living, I have freedom & flexibility, I'm my own boss, & I get to style and curate my shop exactly how I like it. It’s just fun. 

Res Ipsa: Do you travel? 

Olivia: I LOVE TO TRAVEL. Obviously the hubs is my travel buddy and I love exploring and adventuring to new places with him, but I’m leaving tomorrow for Ireland with my brother and sister and I AM SO EXCITED!!!!

Res Ipsa: What do you enjoy about travel? 

Olivia: To me, traveling is living. Traveling is freedom. Exploring new landscape & architecture, meeting  & talking to new people, the shopping & fashion, but most of all THE FOOOOOOD are just some of my favorite parts about traveling!! People get so stuck in the grind of every day living and working and hustling that we forget WHY we’re doing it. I’m definitely more of a live in the moment kind of person and traveling opens your mind & helps you to see all the beautiful places & awesome shit you can do in life! 

Res Ipsa: We met in our flagship Nantucket store. Did you first hear about or discover Res Ipsa on Nantucket? What was your first impression of the Res Ipsa store. Our kilim products? Our 'travel' brand and idea of repurposing goods

Olivia: I had never heard of Res Ipsa before visiting my uncle in Nantucket this past summer. I saw the store front from down the street and I knew I was in trouble haha! ...

Res Ipsa

I was immediately drawn in by all the beautiful prints AND the friendly face of Cole!! I literally could have bought everything in the store, but settled on a pair of the kilim salt & pepper colored sneakers (which I LOVE) and a candle...

And since then, I have ordered a pair of white lace-ups and a backpack to take to Ireland AND I LOVE BOTH!!! They are so comfortable, the quality of the brand is unbelievable.

Res Ipsa Kilim Lace-Up Sneakers
photo / @nicolenerostudio

   I love how everything is one of a kind! I get so many compliments on both pairs of sneaks and I can’t wait to break out my backpack for my trip. 
The fact that Res Ipsa, the brand behind all the beautiful products is based on travel is just the icing on the cake. Even just scrolling your Instagram gives me life. It’s exciting to watch you guys expand & grow and I’m pretty positive you’ll blow the fuck up. I like to be one-of-a-kind, so the only bummer will be that other people will have ALMOST the same sneakers/bags as me but it’s all good!! Keep doing what you’re doing cause it’s awesome🤟🏼


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