Meet Some Res Ipsa Team Members & Their Moms  | Res Ipsa - RES IPSA

Meet Some Res Ipsa Team Members & Their Moms | Res Ipsa

Malibu, CA  -- On this Mother's Day, we thought it would be fun to introduce some new Res Ipsa team members. We invite you to come say hello at our stores in Nantucket, Aspen, Malibu, Los Angeles, and Vail when you travel this summer! 
Malibu and Los Angeles
Gabriel and his mom, Rebecca (Los Angeles)
Clarisse and her mom, Martine (Los Angeles)

Javier and his mom, Adriana (Los Angeles and Malibu)

Larry, Res Ipsa
Larry and his mom, Doreyda (Los and Angeles and Malibu)
Aspen and Vail
Brandon and his mom, Guadalupe (Aspen)
Jilly and her mom, Judy (Vail)
Haines and his mom, Maribeth (Aspen and Vail)

Mama Josh
Josh and his mom, Colleen

Mama Odini
Odini and his mom, Maudline

Mama Cole
Cole and his mom, Michelle

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